The Dallas Paleontological Society was founded in 1984 for the purpose of promoting interest in and knowledge of the science of paleontology. It was intended by the founding members that the Society would be a network for the exchange of data between professionals and serious amateurs in this field.
Regular Monthly Meeting March 12Dinosaurs Under Foot DPS met on Wednesday, March 12th, in the Lakeview Event and Conference Center, Arlington Texas. Our usual meeting place, at Dallas College, was closed for Spring Break, and this event center is near the Arlington Archosaur Site, where many DPS members and friends helped excavate crocodile, turtle, and dinosaur fossils from the Woodbine Sandstone. Art Sahlstein, co-discoverer and long time watchmen over the AAS, gave us a brief update on the site. Continuing the dinosaur theme, Dr. Louis Jacobs, president since 2000 of the Institute for the Study of Earth and Man at Southern Methodist University, spoke on “The Early Cretaceous Borborema - Cameroon Dinosaur Dispersal Corridor”. His paper has made national headlines and international news, for Borborema is in Brazil in South America, Cameroon is in central Africa, and between them lies the central Atlantic, slowly widening. Dr. Jacobs has promoted the interaction between amateur and professional paleontologists by serving as one of the faculty advisors for the DPS for years, and speaking to the society on many occasions. The DPS has awarded scholarships to many of his students who have also given presentations at our meetings. He has written two books for the general public, Quest for the African Dinosaurs and Lone Star Dinosaurs, as well as many scientific papers, posters, and abstracts. He served as president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology from 1996-98, and helped bring their 75th annual meeting to Dallas in 2015. He has recently retired from his professor duties, but continues at ISEM at SMU. DPS PIT Crew (Paleontologists in Training) is BACK!!
DPS Officers for 2025The officers for 2025 are: President: Joe O'Neil mailto:president@dallaspaleo.orgVice President: Dana Baggott Fossil Record Editor: David Hill Secretary: Julia Hall Treasurer Pam (Paul) Lowers Fossil Bits and PiecesThe DPS offers extra benefits for Members. Types of Memberships and costs of each can be found under MEMBERSHIP choice in the menu bar, then New Member Online Application. Below is a list of what Members receive and the reasons you should plan to join (or re-join) us in our paleo adventures! MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Newsletter: The Fossil Record, the Society’s monthly newsletter, is sent to all Members. Volunteerism: Volunteer opportunities to work the DPS booths provides community outreach, interaction with the public, and occasionally free entry to an event. We need volunteers for all committees (to see our list of committees, click here) and activities. Special Events: Members receive Eblasts on surprise events and reminders of upcoming events. DPS Website: Current members have access to the Members only section of the DPS website, which includes the Membership Directory, past newsletters, and more. Field Trips: Some field trips have limited access (quarries, Oklahoma trilobites, etc.), and some field trips are designated Members-Only. Excavations: Participation in Fossil Bureau of Investigation (FBI) excavations. Discounts: Fossil prep kits, display items, books, and other unique items are occasionally offered at a discount to Members. Occasional Papers: Each Occasional Papers is a collection of in-depth articles on paleontology written by members. One copy per membership is free to members for a limited time immediately following publication. Past Occasional Papers are available for purchase. Family: Family Membership provides a discount to a second adult and allows for PIT Crew membership in which children can participate in special PIT Crew-only workshops, classroom activities, and field trips. Dues pay for: food and drinks at the monthly meetings, refreshments on field trips, scholarships, and professional speakers for special meetings. Lake Ralph Hall/North Sulphur River, Fanin County We at SMU prepared a short video about the Smithsonian exhibit, "Sea Monsters Unearthed: Life in Angola's Ancient Seas," that has been posted on the Embassy of Angola in the United States website ( and on the Embassy Facebook page. To see it, click on the link (, which will take you to the website. The video is playing without sound on the banner. Scroll down to Highlights and you will see a photo of a fossil. Click on that photo and you will see the video with sound and Portuguese captioning on the Embassy Facebook page. Attached is an information sheet about the exhibit, prepared for the Angolan Embassy. If you would like the video with English captioning, just let me know. Enjoy! Louis Jacobs, DPS Advisor NMNH Notice and Links_July 2020.docx (This will download to your computer to view.) We are very happy to announce that the very first Occasional Papers Volume 1, written by 9 members of the founding group of the DPS is now available to download! It is under the HOME choice on the menu bar, then Members-Only Content and then Documents and Resources. To see the info for Earth Science week, click here. The Paleontograph back issues are now available at the following link Library and DPSThe Dallas Library’s Podcast on Natural Dallas (P.O.N.D.) Annual Community Nature Expo includes a video featuring the DPS. Please watch all the videos for some interesting things to do and learn about in the outside world. Visit for the videos. | Upcoming Events
What we have been doing!Horseshoe Bend Field Trip Video 3/1/25 Ash Grove Quarry Field Trip 3/16/25 Recent Publications Now Available! Also Available Now
Join us nowCome and join us for a great time at our next meeting, and click below to become a member. Individual and Family memberships are available, and kids can participate in the PIT Crew (Paleontologists In Training). Mail Check to: DPS PO BOX 223846 Dallas, Texas 75222-3846 The PIT Crew
For more information, Click the link here or click the link under the home page called "For Kids - The Pit Crew" , to see policies, upcoming events, announcements, and how to sign up to take advantage of this program. About Us and Our Monthly MeetingsThe Dallas Paleontological Society normally meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 PM. |